Serial Receive Block
The Serial Receive block reads data from the specified serial port. It will continue to output the last received value until new data is read.
- Sim Input: Optional bytes data that will be passed through in simulation mode
- bytes: bytes received from the port.
- Is Valid: A boolean representing whether the data is valid as determined by the
Stale Age (ms)
- Baud Rate (default = 9600): Baud rate to use
- Port (default = "/dev/ttyUSB0"): Port to connect to
- Start Delimiter (default = "$"): String or bytes that indicate the start of a message. For a bytes literal, escape the characters using
for the unicode ' ' corresponding to the hexadecimal value 0x20). - End Delimiter (default = "\r\n"): String or bytes that indicate the end of a message.
- Read Fixed Bytes (default = 0): Fixed number of bytes to read after
Start Delimiter
. If this is set to a non-zero value it will take precedence overEnd Delimiter
- Stale Age (ms) (default = 1000): Age from last valid data received when the block will output
Is Valid