Tips and Tricks

A compendium of little tips and tricks to make diagramming easier!


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Block connection shortcuts

To quickly connect blocks, select the source block, hover near the input port to connect to, and press cmd or ctrl to make the connection:

Auto connect blocks

You can also make connections in reverse, or to a shared edge as shown below:

Edge connections

Search for blocks

To find a specific block in your app, simply ctl + f and search by name. Clicking on an option will take you to the block's location in your diagram, regardless of where it may be nested.

Search for blocks

Feedback loop to self

If you want to feed a block back to itself, you currently need to inject an intermediate block. The Gain block is ideal, because by default it applies no transformation to the input signal:

Feedback loops

Flipping block horizontally

As seen with the Gain block in the feedback animation above, you can flip a block horizontally with ctl+i. You can also do this from the right-click menu. This is helpful for keeping feedback loops tidy.